Why Franciscan University Online?

Our online degree programs mirror the unique educational experience that Franciscan University offers to its on-campus students. This experience seamlessly integrates faith and reason, people and technology, and theory and practice, preparing you for your vocation.


Franciscan University offers you the opportunity to expand your intellectual horizons, preparing you for wherever God takes you in life.


You’ll study under the same world-class scholars and seasoned practitioners who teach in our classrooms and have proven track records of equipping their students for both personal and professional success.


At Franciscan University, the Catholic faith is more than just an academic subject. It’s a way of seeing the world and living life, calling us to recognize the dignity of every human person and to honor everyone we encounter as the image of God. It means our virtual community is built on mutual respect and Christian charity.

Interactive Learning

The bulk of your studies will take place “in the cloud” through Canvas. This learning management system:

  • Functions as a virtual classroom;
  • Allows you to collaborate with professors, multiple class members, and study partners;
  • Enables you to create and participate in video lectures, discussion threads, podcasts, Vodcasts, wikis, email, video mail, instant messaging, social media, blogs, and more.


Designed for busy professionals, Franciscan’s online degree programs let you:

  • Decide how quickly you complete your degree;
  • Choose from a variety of course options and tracks to individualize your program of studies;
  • Find the pace of coursework that fits your life.
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